Body Image Concerns

Helping you make peace with food and your body -
in North Carolina

Body Image is an Ongoing Battle


When you don’t feel at peace with your body, you experience anxiety around food and clothing, you judge yourself, and you miss out on the adventures of life.  

Woman sitting on pool float with arms wide open, celebrating going to the free from body image concerns.

Maybe you find yourself avoiding the closet because of fear that last year’s clothing won’t fit this year’s body.  Maybe you don’t eat during the hours or days leading up to a big event so you can “save your calories.”  Maybe you avoid mirrors because you don’t like what you see.  Maybe you struggle to be intimate with your partner because you’re worried about how they might view your body.

You feel the constant battle.  The desire to accept yourself and treat your body with compassion, pitted against the call of the latest body trend or weight loss fad.  

Two women lying on a bed, enjoying one another's company without worry of body image concerns.

Body Mindfulness Guides You in Finding Peace with Your Body

Those who have participated in Body Mindfulness work have found freedom to experience life with a new perspective.  

Imagine being able to select your clothing based on how it feels on your body rather than a number on the tag.  How would your energy level change if you nourished yourself throughout the day, regardless of what events might be coming up?  What great adventure would you pursue with the space freed by not worrying about body size and food?  

 Finding Freedom and Peace

Learning new ways to handle body image concerns has led folks to explore dreams they had put aside.  

Person showing passion for taking pictures and not worried about body image concerns.

Taking the time to examine your body image concerns and explore Body Mindfulness can open up a whole new world of possibilities.  You may discover a new love for fashion and relish the freedom to express yourself in new ways.  Maybe you find yourself writing the book or taking the class you’ve always thought about.  

Clients who have worked on their body image concerns with Body Mindfulness concepts have found a new freedom in life.  Freedom to open the boutique they always imagined, carrying a wide array of sizes.  Freedom to let “all foods fit” and stop an endless cycle of restricting and binge eating.  Freedom to reconnect with their bodies and listen to what that body needs and wants.  

How Do I Work on Body Image Concerns?

I use Body Mindfulness to help clients dig through their body image concerns and make peace with food and their body.  

Body image concerns don’t develop overnight.  There are often years of messages and struggles to work through, almost like an archaeological dig.  Body Mindfulness describes the way that I approach body image concerns.  This approach helps folks reconnect with their body, and incoporates concepts geared toward learning to have a caring relationship with your body. 

Text reads "Frequently Asked Questions" related to body image concerns.

What is Body Mindfulness?

Body Mindfulness is the way I describe my approach to working with body image concerns.  I utilize concepts of mindfulness (having awareness in the present moment without judgment), as well as principles drawn from Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size to assist clients in making peace with their body and food.  

How does Body Mindfulness work?

Body Mindfulness provides an opportunity for a client to look at their body image concerns head-on, in the supportive context of therapy.  Dissociation or disconnection from one’s body – sometimes described as “living above the neck” – is common with body image concerns.  I utilize mindfulness concepts to assist clients in reconnecting with their body.  We then incorporate concepts from Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size to continue the journey to finding peace.  

When is Body Mindfulness needed?

Body Mindfulness is helpful for many of the ways that body image concerns show up.  This may include a cycle of dieting or difficulty accepting changes in your body.  If someone is dealing with an active eating disorder, Body Mindfulness may not be appropriate.  However, I’m happy to chat with potential clients to determine if this approach may be a good fit for you.  

How much does Body Mindfulness cost?

This depends on the format of the services.  I provide individual counseling where the focus may be on utilizing the Body Mindfulness approach – fee information can be found here.  I also offer an 8-week Body Mindfulness Group Therapy 1-2 times per year, and you can find more information about that here.    

How long does the Body Mindfulness process take?

Once again, this depends.  Each round of  Body Mindfulness Group Therapy is set at 8 weeks.  Some folks continue to work with me individually regarding body image concerns after the group ends.  For individual therapy, the length of time depends on several factors that are specific to each individual.  If you choose to work with me, this would be part of our early discussions with one another.

How do I know if Body Mindfulness is right for me?

Body Mindfulness may be right for you if any of the following apply:

  • You find yourself frequently thinking about food and/or your body.
  • You struggle to feel comfortable in your body, leading you to miss out on things.  
  • You feel disconnected from your body.  You don’t really know when you’re hungry or full.  You struggle to experience physical pleasure.  
  • You have experience with diet culture.  Examples include:  seeing thin, white women in media as the norm; constant ads for weight loss and fad diets; medical professionals insisting all your concerns were due to body size; dealing with frequent comments related to body size; the offering of congratulations for any weight loss regardless of the reason.
  • You have experience with any high-control religious system where bodily autonomy was absent. 

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Get Started with Body Mindfulness

Check out the details for the next round of the Body Mindfulness Virtual Group TherapyContact me if you have any questions or would like to schedule a free consultation call to see if Body Mindfulness might be helpful in addressing your body image concerns.

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All content is the property of Michelle F. Moseley Counseling, PLLC]