Faith Leaders are people who have positions of leadership within a faith-based community. A Faith Leader may receive payment for their services, or may offer their leadership voluntarily. They may or may not have an official title. The location of their leadership activities may occur in a variety of spaces, from a church building to home-based groups to campus-based communities of faith (and a multitude of other locations as well).
Does this sound like you?
Faith Leaders help provide direction to those they lead, and play an integral role in influencing a faith community. This includes being aware of the impacts that mental health concerns and past trauma may have on those you lead. By learning more about mental health and trauma, you can help create a space that is more welcoming and safe for the variety of folks you may lead.
Mental Health 101 for Faith Leaders
Mental Health is a part of all our lives. Research has shown that as much as 25% of the US population will experience mental health concerns during their lifetime. Faith leaders, as people who serve and give guidance to groups of people, are sure to interact with those facing mental health challenges. Yet, most faith leaders have received little, if any training regarding how to assist folks with mental health struggles or to connect them with additional resources.
This webinar will cover topics that will help participants be better equipped to support the mental health of those they lead. These topics will include:
common mental health concerns and how they may present
self-harm and suicidal ideation – knowing the difference and how you can help
connecting with trusted mental health resources
This webinar will also feature some information to help faith leaders understand more about trauma and consider ways to create a more trauma-sensitive space.
Trauma is the experience of something being too much, too fast, or too soon for your nervous system. Trauma can be the result of a variety of life experiences.
Participants in the webinar will also have access to the following:
Q&A and discussion of specific scenarios related to mental health
access to additional resources related to mental health topics
Location & Tentative Schedule
The next session of the Mental Health 101 for Faith Leaders will be held online via Zoom on September 24 2024 from 11am-2pm Eastern Time.
This webinar is available to anyone with internet access, just be sure to adjust the times for your location.
A more detailed schedule will be provided to registrants as the date gets closer.
This pricing has been set with consideration of being financially accessible, while also honoring the hours of training and preparation that have gone into being able to offer this information.
There will always be an “equity pricing option” which provides an opportunity for those who have access to additional financial resources to offset the cost for those who have less access to financial resources. This is one way this training is operating from a trauma-sensitive perspective.
If you are interested in either donating to offset the cost of another participant, or are in a position where a discounted ticket would allow you to attend, please contact Michelle via the button below.