
I offer a variety of services that combine my knowledge of mental health and my desire to see all people equipped to face their struggles, yet do not fit within the strict definition of counseling. 

     Workshops & Seminars

I am available to provide workshops or seminars for your group (virtually and in-person, as appropriate) related to mental health topics.  These are typically one-day or shorter events that address a specific topic.  Potential topics include, but are not limited to:  Whole-Person Wellness, Coping with Anxiety and Stress, Spirituality and Mental Health, and Navigating Adolescence.  

If you are the leader or member of a group that you think might be interested in having me provide a workshop or seminar, please contact me to discuss your needs/ideas.  

     Educational Offerings

Educational offerings are opportunities to learn about a topic related to mental health, but not in the context of a therapeutic relationship.  These may include informational classes or multi-session offerings that focus on providing information and resources.  Topics include, but are not limited to:  introduction to Intuitive Eating concepts, basic understanding of mental health for religious/spiritual organizations, and skills for feeling more effective in life.