Blog Posts

In My Planning Era

I recently received a Google Trends alert showing that the phrase “in my _ era” was a trending topic this year. That is all thanks to T. Swift I’m sure.…...

Holidays and Religious Differences

Many holidays have some type of religious meaning or undertone. Celebrating can be difficult when there are religious differences between yourself and the friends and/or family you gather with...

Holidays and Diet Culture

Many folks in the US are preparing to gather for Thanksgiving next week. That late-November celebration is often the beginning of multiple holiday-related celebrations that include food, family, and...

The Impact of Judgement Houses

Have you ever heard of a “Judgement House” or a “Hell House”? These are a way that many evangelical churches in the Southern US have chosen to deal with Halloween.…...

FEATURED: Religious Trauma on Kindred with Aubrey Baptista

Religious Trauma and Body Image Concerns are often intertwined. Diet culture. Purity culture. Body as a temple. Bodily desires as sinful. I address the common roots and issues that can…...

Weight Stigma Awareness Week

We are just beginning Weight Stigma Awareness Week here in the United States, which runs from September 25th-29th for 2023. Weight Stigma Awareness Week has been around since 2011, and…...

Why Is It Important to “Treat Yo’Self”?

“Treat Yo’Self” has become a popular phrase in recent years. It’s sometime used in the context of purchasing things that you may not need. It can occasionally be used to…...

FEATURED: Preventing Therapist Burnout at Therapist Collective

Therapist Burnout is a common topic among those who work in the mental health field. We often find ourselves in positions of offering support and care to others. The personal…...

GUEST BLOG: Holy Shift! What to do when you and your partner no longer align in your beliefs!

Shifts in your spiritual beliefs and practices can impact your relationship with your partner. This is especially true if you find that you and a partner no longer align in…...

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All content is the property of Michelle F. Moseley Counseling, PLLC]

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